Seřizovací Stůl
Seřizovací Stůl Seřizovací Stůl

BOOTS dryier is equipped with hooks and air regulators. Each hooks has its own air controller. When the boot is placed on the hook the air controller activete the air flow.

The dryer is devided in several levels and the hot or cold air flow can opened individualy for each level. This regulation controls perfectly the air flo and help us to keep expencies for electric power low.


  • Ionizing unit neutralizing unwelcome smell during drying process
  • Steinless Water free system

Technical characteristics:

Height: 232cm
WIdht: 90cm
Capacity: 150cm 48 pair of boots
180cm 60 pair of boots
200cm 72 pair of boots
240cm 84 pair of boots

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