Snowboard Rack

RRegál pro snowboardy
Regál pro snowboardy

This Rack allows to store Snowboards with classic & special rental bindings minimazing the space needed. The holders are coated with special rubber finishing. Based on the bindings type aou can modified the height of holders in the rack.

PWhen rack is 240 mm heigh you can assembly holders for ski poles or snb. SNB Rack is equipped with rail system as standard.


  • Steinless Water free system
  • Wheels for easy moving

Technical characteristics:

Height: 212cm 242cm
WIdth: 80cm
Capacity: clasic bindings / rental bindings
Height: 212cm
150cm 21/42snb
180cm 21/42snb
200cm 21/42snb
240cm 21/42snb
Height: 240cm
150cm 25/50snb
180cm 25/50snb
200cm 25/50snb
240cm 25/50snb

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